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X Marks the Bökship

Archive for March 2011

Pirate Books in Peru: A talk by Andrea Francke / Friday 25 March / 7pm

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The Piracy Project at X Marks The Bökship
Pirate Books in Peru: A talk by Andrea Francke

Friday 25 March, 7pm

Book piracy exists in many emerging countries and book pirates in Peru for example go beyond creating unlicensed reprints – they have even begun to interfere with the content. An entire genre of “improved” versions is emerging. All the books, in a sense, become legitimate versions. In this illustrated talk artist Andrea Francke will present the findings of her recent research trip to Lima, where she visited book stores, street markets and traffic lights, where pirated books are sold by street vendors. She returned to London with a heavy suitcase full of versions, which will be on display at the Bökship.

Sat 26 March Please join us for a day on the streets.  We will meet between 9.30 – 11.00 at the Bökship to make posters for the march. Then we will head into town to the meeting point. It will be close to ULU Malet Street. See also: Arts Against Cuts, draft of a letter for cultural institutions.

Pirate Book Production Centre at the Bökship Sunday 27 March 1–6pm
Come in and join us on Sunday afternoon, when we’ ll pirate X marks the Bökship in London. This is the first workshop in the Piracy Project, which explores the spectrum of copying, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising and manipulating already existing material.  The books resulting from this activity are the first contributions to the new book collection at the Byam Shaw Library.

AND is an activity exploring print on demand technologies and publishing conceptually driven artists’ books. AND is directed by Lynn Harris & Eva Weinmayr and is based at Byam Shaw School of Art, London.

Written by bökship

March 21, 2011 at 12:03 pm

Extra Copies: Jason File and Tatiana Leshkina / Private View Thursday 24 March / 6.30 – 8.30pm

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Tatiana Leshkina (b.1990 Moscow, Russia) studied at Gerasimov Institute of Cinematography and is an undergraduate student at the Chelsea College of Art and Design. Through film, photography and text she deals with complexities of representations, raising questions of authorship, exposing vagaries of memory and perception and examination of the pull of the popular culture, constructing self-destructive systems or mechanisms which can only lead to towards the multiplicity of meanings, a series of contradictory interpretations. She doesn’t wish to control an experience but rather attempts to set up a system that brings a set of questions to the viewer. In ‘Extras’ she uses found film footage to break apart and re-form, reconfigure and reconstruct the data image world, capturing moments in between interactions, a blank spot in our memory, moments without connection. Presenting data and without resolution, to question and not to conclude, a few words that can arouse a myriad of pictures and perceptions.

Jason File (b. 1976 Marquette, Michigan) is a graduate of Yale and Oxford, and a part-time student at the Chelsea College of Art & Design.  His work addresses questions of social and institutional authority and credibility, societal and contextual role-playing, and notions of originality and authenticity.   Here, he presents two pieces that query the basis for assertions of “original work” as well as the clues we use to identify work as such.   “Truth/Copy” uses a tool of the legal trade – a document certification stamp – to authenticate as “true” successive copies of a blank page, literally creating something from nothing.  Meanwhile, “Untitled (Copy)” presents two identical gallery information tags, each referring to the other as the copy, creating an endless loop of assertions of originality and derivativeness while simultaneously questioning the extent to which gallery and museum-supplied information can “become” part of a work.

Written by bökship

March 19, 2011 at 11:32 am

Posted in Other

New Talk Series: Towards a Physiological Novel / Wednesday 23 March / 7pm

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Towards a Physiological Novel



‘Towards a Physiological Novel’ is a series of 8 bi-weekly talks and screenings initiated by Sidsel Meineche Hansen on the subject of communication and angest, and the production of noise and nervousness in an electronic era.

The Nervous System is a collection of cells, tissues, and organs through which the body receives information from its surroundings and then directs the body in how to respond to that information. The reception and transmission of information and affect is a form of constant communication that models the biochemistry and neurology of the subject.

The talks, held at the bookshop in Cambridge Heath Road, will operate as a mode of research to examine how information circulates – how it, in physiological terms, is embodied, and consumed in our current society.

The series will bring together a diverse range of theoreticians, artists and fiction writers whose works’ provide a flexible foundation for dealing with these ideas. To inform and compliment the talks, there will be a selection of literature available, including books and journals relating to critical theory and art, which together establish a bibliography. These events are free.



Dissonance at the Threshold; or Interfering in Systems Thinking.
Speaker: Matt Clemments.
Wednesday 23 March
Open 7pm, talk starts at 7.15pm

– In recent months and years – in fact at various junctures throughout the history of modernity – the notion of resonance has offered at least one alternative to the split between, on the one hand, a crude materialist account of the causal interaction of bodies, and, on the other, a naive valorisation of the spiritual heritage of the human.

My presentation will seek to expropriate and unravel the implications of resonance by way of an analysis of certain trends within cybernetics and systems theory. I will begin by attempting to describe how these theories offer to at once undermine and overcome more traditional models of inter-subjectivity. Elaborating this sublimation by way of the concept of operational-closure, I will move towards a suggestion of the role played by the threshold in the creation, constitution, and transformation of systems. Three examples will serve my purposes here: the last message of Gilles Deleuze as interpreted by Isabelle Stengers; the systems based methodology of Alcoholics Anonymous, according to Gregory Bateson; and finally the evolution of cellular slime-moulds. The third of these examples will bring me back to a reinvigorated conception of resonance, clarified in terms of dissonance, noise, interference, and the artefact.

‘Towards a Physiological Novel’
Bi-weekly talks on Wednesdays at 7pm.
X Marks the Bökship
210 / 3 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ


Written by bökship

March 15, 2011 at 8:27 am

The Piracy Project: Intro / Wednesday 16 March / Byam Shaw Library

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Publisher’s of the Month, AND are introducing the The Piracy Project at Byam Shaw Library (University of the Arts London, 2 Elthorne Road, London N19 4AG)
What Are We Doing?
Wed 16 March 2011, 6–8pm

A discussion on the implications of different strategies to fight the cuts from inside an art college. Join our ideas mining excercise with John Cussans, Eva Weinmayr, Neil Chapman, Margot Bannermann, Andrea Francke, Anna Hart, Lynn Harris, Edgar Schmitz, Cecila Wee and many more. Free School in a New Dark Age – The Library Project – Arts Against Cuts – The Precarious Workers Brigade

AND is an activity exploring print on demand technologies and publishing conceptually driven artists’ books. AND is directed by Lynn Harris & Eva Weinmayr and is based at Byam Shaw School of Art, London.

Written by bökship

March 15, 2011 at 8:23 am

Launch of Schizm Magazine: Issue 2 / Saturday 12 March / 5 – 7pm

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Schizm Magazine presents an assortment of found, made & contributed material formatted & edited to build and/or re-contextualize various forms of visual and written language.

In Issue two, fifteen contributors were invited to submit material towards it’s production.The editor proposed as a working theme or recurring unifying element Time Doesn’t Give A Shit, (Idealism, Legitimacy & Representation)

From images that imagine the ideal, to text book illustrations conveying information, the magazine compiles email correspondence, diagrams, photographs, drawings, texts etc, collecting, mixing and balancing these responses to time and our place in it.

Contributors: Bob Ajar (New York), Mauela Barczewski (London), Sam Basu (Treignac), Ami Clarke (London), John Chilver (London), Alexandre Da Cunha (London), Craig Cooper (London), Alasdair Duncan (London), Kevin Hutcheson (Glasgow), ‘idonthaveyourmarbles’ (London), Ed Jones (London), Cedar Lewisohn (London), Alastair Mackinven (London), Nicola Pellegrini & Ottonella Mocellin (Milan), Matt Packer (Cork), Clunie Reid (London).

To contact Schizm Magazine please email:
or write to:
Schizm Magazine HQ.
#8, 60 Stanway St.
London N1 6RE

Edited, Designed & Produced by Emma Holmes
Schizm Magazine is a bi-annual publication.

Written by bökship

March 9, 2011 at 5:29 pm

Launch of Alone, Desperate and Going Nowhere / Friday 11 March / 6 – 9pm

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A novel by Paul Haworth
Published by TRUE TRUE TRUE

London launch at X Marks the Bökship
210 / Shop 3, Cambridge Heath Road, E2
Friday 11 March 2011, 6–9pm
8pm: poem > reading > song by Paul Haworth

Alex ‘Abs’ Brenchley is back. The seven-foot tragedy opens the sequel to Silk Handkerchiefs with the words “2008 was the worst year of my life.” This is the story of that year.

Cocks. The shake, pull, grope, yank and dangle of cocks. The wan light of the car lending them a gruesome pallor. Tuggatuggatuggatugga. You?ve never seen anything like it. Old-man cocks, hanging out of flies, poking from bushy pubes. A couple did have their trousers down at the ankles. More animated, exhibitionist, they groaned and swayed their hips, with acrobatic hand-actions. One had a thermos on the bonnet and would take sips of his beverage, surveying the other men as well as the spectacle within this little hatchback… Where a couple was getting it on.

Alone, Desperate and Going Nowhere sweeps our hyper-emotional hero across England, into the depths of despair and deranged behaviour, towards a mythical destination – The Lady Field – a fabled area of Hampstead Heath where it isn’t just men who are cruising. Carnforth yobs, Sex and the City: The Movie, dogging fanatics, Christian Slater, Community Support Officers and the Page Street Gang – these are just some of the forces Alex is up against as he seeks to find the manhood, absolution and purpose in life that will empower him to win the love of Trevoreesia, his Absqueen.

All the while, the economy is collapsing – “My life had been in crisis for so long and now the world was catching up,” observes Alex – and the soundtrack to this far-gone era is Take That’s cruel taunt: THIS COULD BE THE GREATEST DAY OF OUR LIVES. Does that day come for Alex Brenchley or will he remain, always and forever, Alone, Desperate and Going Nowhere?

Mixing Cockney, teen lingo, Victorian slang and inventive wordplay, Haworth’s colourful style makes for an exhilarating and addictive read. This is the second part in a trilogy of comedic novels about Alex Brenchley.

Paul Haworth (Lancaster, 1982) is the author of Silk Handkerchiefs and Andy de Fiets: Letter to Robin Kinross (written with Sam de Groot), both published in 2009 by TRUE TRUE TRUE, Amsterdam. Active also in hip-hop, painting and radio, Paul has recently participated in exhibitions and performances at the Barbican Art Gallery (London), Contemporary Art Center (Vilnius), SMBA (Amsterdam) and Motto (Berlin). He studied at the Ruskin School of Drawing and Fine Art (Oxford) and De Ateliers (Amsterdam).

Published February 2011 by TRUE TRUE TRUE
18 × 11 cm, 128 pages, £8.50
ISBN 978-94-90006-03-7
Made possible in part by Fonds BKVB

Written by bökship

March 9, 2011 at 11:10 am

International Woman’s Day / Dear Clare

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Dear Clare is a magazine launched on International Woman’s Day. It aims to highlight social, civil and human rights issues.

From the 8th of March images from the magazine  will  be shown at the Cafe Lock – 7 at Broadway Market through to the 13th March.

Written by bökship

March 9, 2011 at 10:49 am

Posted in Other

LCC TALK / COLLAPSE / 4th March 2011

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Written by bökship

March 4, 2011 at 7:56 am

AND Install

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Written by bökship

March 3, 2011 at 11:13 pm

Publisher of the Month: AND Publishing

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will be hijacking (or pirating) the Bökship this March for the first of the Publisher of the Month series. An installation of their titles will be on display from 6pm on the evening of Thursday 3rd March (as part of First Thursdays)

During the month they will introduce their latest project The Piracy Project through a lecture by Andrea Francke on Book Piracy in Peru (Fri 25th March), a production workshop (Sat 26/ Sun 27 March) and a call for submissions. The Piracy Project is not about stealing or forgery. It is a platform to innovatively explore the spectrum of copying, translating, paraphrasing, imitating, re-organising and manipulating of already existing works.

AND is an activity exploring print on demand technologies and publishing conceptually driven artists’ books. AND is directed by Lynn Harris & Eva Weinmayr and is based at Byam Shaw School of Art, London.

X Marks The Bökship
210 / 3 Cambridge Heath Road
E2 9NQ

Written by bökship

March 1, 2011 at 9:42 am