Bokship's Blog

X Marks the Bökship

Archive for September 2011

Book Launch and Talk: Uncanny Magazine 3 / Publication as Process Friday 30 September 2011, 7pm

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Uncanny Editions is pleased to invite you to the launch of issue 3 of Uncanny Magazine – Publication as Process, with a talk by Karen Lacroix, Friday 30 September, 7pm.

The aim of this issue is to document and archive an essentially visual account of ‘publication as process’. The idea of making several publications during the illustration/ design process is a way of creating a platform for critical awareness. Not only does it generate space for discussion with other people, but promotes a big variety of solutions and alternatives to the work being produced, thus increasing the possibility of making a more considered and reflected decision through the act of publishing.

Issue 3 of Uncanny Magazine is divided into two sections: 1) a reproduction of a publication produced as part of the image-making process for an illustration project for the English Touring Opera, in its original size and form; 2) a selection of 11 of the 23 publications produced whilst making illustrations for the aforementioned design project.

Uncanny Magazine 3 – Publication as Process
Uncanny Editions, £15 (£12 on launch), soft back with z-fold,
52pp, 21 x 29.7 cm, numbered edition of 100, 2011

At X Marks the Bökship
210/ Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ, UK

Written by bökship

September 27, 2011 at 8:13 am

Artist Book Weekend

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The London Art Book Fair opens this week and the Artist Book Weekend runs as a parallel project to it. It aims to complement and question the Whitechapel Gallery event by creating a website platform that concentrates a calendar of events at local bookshops and galleries during the ‘weekend’ of the 22nd, 23rd, 24th and 25th of September 2011. The project is started by The Mews Project Space and is run by all participating organizations.

Written by bökship

September 17, 2011 at 1:36 pm

Posted in Other

Publisher’s Brunch / Saturday 24 September, 11am – 12.30pm

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Saturday 24 September, 11am – 12.30pm
Visit the Bökship before the Whitechapel Bookfair for a Publisher’s Brunch & to celebrate El’s birthday.

X Marks the Bökship
210/ Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ

Written by bökship

September 17, 2011 at 12:15 pm

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>  Kylie is Risograph GR2750 that has been lent to the Bökship by Alfonso and Pedro from A Circular Journal.  At the moment we only have black ink for her but hopefully she will be put to good use soon for some publishing projects.

Written by bökship

September 16, 2011 at 7:44 pm

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>Willoughby is a photocopier that has been lent to the Bökship by Lucy Woodhouse. He is named after the late great Willoughby Sharp and is being used to print the XALPHABET. He is a bit slow and only prints manual feed at the moment as he hadn’t been used for over 20 years after being rescued from a basement flat in Brighton.

Written by bökship

September 16, 2011 at 7:38 pm

Posted in Other

New In!

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The Dead Sea by Stefan Marx, Published by Nieves, 2011, £14
Sun Feels Honest Today by Terence Koh, Published by Nieves, 2011, £14
Online Shop

Written by bökship

September 16, 2011 at 7:30 pm

Posted in Shop

London Bookshop Map launches Saturday 24 September at Whitechapel bookfair

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The London Bookshop Map launch
Saturday 24 September, 5pm at Whitechapel Gallery

The London Bookshop Map supports and promotes independent bookshops –
establishing a network to promote these crucial platforms for alternative publishing.
Issued every six months, each map includes a newly commissioned text work by an artist. The first edition featuring new writing by David Batchelor will be
launched at the fair and then available in bookshops and galleries across the city.
Admission to the London Art Book Fair is free as are copies of the map.
Publish And Be Damned Soap Box
London Art Book Fair
Whitechapel Gallery
77-82 Whitechapel High Street
London E1 7QX
The London Bookshop Map is a not-for-profit publishing project.
For further information email
or visit

Written by bökship

September 16, 2011 at 4:02 pm

Writer in Residence / David Berridge

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David Berridge/ VerySmallKitchen will be writer and reader in residence at X Marks the Bökship from September through December 2011.

David writes: “The residency will be a chance to research and write around the varieties of printed matter at the Bökship, as part of ongoing research into the connections of writing, language and art practice.” “My intention is to offer information about new bookworks and projects, as well as writing a series of essays considering the histories and current constituents of a discipline of art writing, making connections with and across experimental poetry, fiction and essaying.”

“I’ll be using the space and time of the residency to unfold VerySmallKitchen’s STUDIO project. This explores distinctive forms of teaching, learning, and writing that unfold from particular histories and practices of writing.” “Former Studio’s have explored minimalist poetry and a practice derived from Charles Olson’s open field poetics. Now I’m looking to unfold the forms and tactics that emerge from three months at the Bökship.”

“The residency will conclude in December. I’m leaving open for the moment whether this conclusion is a print and/or online publication, talk, workshop or installation. A fluidity between forms characterises a lot of the texts I’ll be looking at, and I want to consider how it might also inform and generate a discourse around them.”

For more information contact David on

Written by bökship

September 5, 2011 at 7:48 am

Book Launch: 100 things not worth repeating: on repetition by Marianne Holm Hansen / Thursday 8 September, 7pm

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LemonMelon is pleased to invite you to the book launch of 100 things not worth repeating: on repetition with a performance reading from/of the book Thursday 8 September, 7pm.

The publication 100 things not worth repeating: on repetition presents one hundred selected responses to the online survey ‘100 things not worth repeating’. These survey submissions are contextualised by artworks, essays and textworks on the topic of repetition, including contributions by David Berridge, Marina Grzinic, Rupert Hartley, Juliet Haysom, Roni Horn, Barbara Johnstone, Joan Jonas, James Morris, Jonathan Ree, Fred Scharman, Mike Solomon, Sue Tompkins, Jill Townsley and Lucy Wilson.

100 things not worth repeating: on repetition edited by Marianne Holm Hansen
LemonMelon 2011 | £10 | Softback | 244pp | 16.5 x 21.5 cm | ISBN 978 1 908260 01 7 | Edition of 350

At X Marks the Bökship
210/ Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ

Written by bökship

September 5, 2011 at 4:17 am