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X Marks the Bökship

Archive for April 4th, 2011

Talk: Towards a Physiological Novel #2. Medieval Scandinavianism: Asger Jorn’s search for a Vandalist Aesthetics

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Medieval Scandinavianism: Asger Jorn’s search for a Vandalist Aesthetics.
Speaker: Niels Henriksen
Wednesday 6th of April, Open 7pm, talk starts at 7.15pm

Medieval Scandinavianism: Asger Jorn’s search for a Vandalist Aesthetics. From 1961 to 1964 Danish painter and former member of the Situationist International, CoBRA and Helhesten, Asger Jorn, devoted much of his energy to the Scandinavian Institute for Comparative Vandalism, an ambitious research initiative aimed at medieval art. Looking at Jorn’s predilection for stonecarvings of human-animal morphologies against the background of his appropriative reading of formal art history, popular science, positivism and pragmatist philosophy, the outline of a radical politics of sex, change, and difference emerges.


‘Towards a Physiological Novel’ is a series of 8 bi-weekly talks and screenings initiated by Sidsel Meineche Hansen on the subject of communication and Angest, and the production of noise and nervousness in an electronic era.

The Nervous System is a collection of cells, tissues, and organs through which the body receives information from its surroundings and then directs the body in how to respond to that information. The reception and transmission of information and affect is a form of constant communication that models the biochemistry and neurology of the subject.

The talks, held at the bookshop in Cambridge Heath Road, will operate as a mode of research to examine how information circulates – how it, in physiological terms, is embodied, and consumed in our current society.

The series will bring together a diverse range of theoreticians, artists and fiction writers whose works’ provide a flexible foundation for dealing with these ideas. To inform and compliment the talks, there will be a selection of literature available, including books and journals relating to critical theory and art, which together establish a bibliography. The events are free.

‘Towards a Physiological Novel’
Bi-weekly talks on Wednesdays at 7pm.
X Marks the Bökship
210 / Unit 3. Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ

Written by bökship

April 4, 2011 at 7:04 am