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X Marks the Bökship

Archive for August 8th, 2011

Confessional Tales and Political Ends / Feelings are shit. The real trick is to disappear

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A two-night screening of films and readings by the self-described “failed filmmaker” Chris Kraus, the author of novels such as I Love Dick, Aliens & Anorexia and Torpor, co-editor of Hatred of Capitalism: A Semiotext(e) Reader and the founding editor of the Native Agents new fictions series also for Semiotext(e). Her most recent publication Where Art Belongs ‘examines artistic enterprises of the past decade that reclaim the use of lived time as a material in the creation of visual art.’

Originally receiving little to no attention when made, Kraus’ films toy with subjective positions, the intricate interplay of fiction and actuality and the blurring of boundaries between public and private, domination and submission. Programmed by Lucy Pawlak and Patrick Staff, three of these films will be screened alongside accompanying readings and films from artists courting conversations about the performance of the tricky powerplay, cultural dysmorphia and the multi-layered destabilisation also typical of Kraus’ oeuvre.

Confessional Tales and Political Ends
FRIDAY 19 August, 6pm onwards

The Golden Bowl of Repression (Chris Kraus, 1990, 12 mins),
How to Shoot a Crime (Chris Kraus, 1987, 28 mins)
With After School Special (Corin Sworn, 2010, 20 mins) and an exchange between mystery guests

Feelings are shit. The real trick is to disappear
SATURDAY 20 August, 6pm onwards

Gravity & Grace (Chris Kraus, 1996, 90 mins)
With Selected readings from Aliens and Anorexia (Chris Kraus, Semiotext(e), 2000) and a reading by Letitia Calin.

At X Marks the Bökship
210/ Unit 3 Cambridge Heath Road
London E2 9NQ

Written by bökship

August 8, 2011 at 12:40 pm

Posted in Other

X / Thomas Jeppe

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XALPHABET  / 26 Xs by 26 artists
X by Thomas Jeppe
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Written by bökship

August 8, 2011 at 11:35 am